
Saturday, May 26, 2012

Screen Printing

Recently, I experimented with using Elmer's blue glue as a resist on fabric when screen printing. The results were pretty good. Rayna Gillman suggested that I try applying the glue to the screen. Wow! What a difference!

I started with a screen that had a 10"x15" print area. Using Elmer's blue glue, I drew on a grid pattern then scribbled into each square. After the glue dried, reddish brown thickened dye was screen printed on top. I was able to lay the screen right against the first print. Loved the way I could repeat the design.

It was so much fun that I tried another. This time I used more fabric and 2 colors - blue and green. It turned out to be a nice amount of yardage to use for a project. I have a few more repeat designs that I would like to try out but I'll save them for another time.


  1. This is really pretty. I've never done any screen printing, but love every kind of print-making I've every tried. I am sure I would love this too. It's on my list!

  2. Thank, Jenny! I think you'll like this technique. It doesn't cost too much because most people have Elmer's blue glue in their supplies. Also, you can use a sheer curtin to attach to the wood frame.
