A few photos taken on my morning walk around my neighborhood. It's nice to see that a few people decorated for Halloween.
Sound on for the first video.
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A few photos taken on my morning walk around my neighborhood. It's nice to see that a few people decorated for Halloween.
Sound on for the first video.
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This past weekend, I went down the YouTube rabbit hole looking for simple, single page bookbinding videos. While down that rabbit hole, I stumbled upon a 2017 video by LorriMarie Jenkins showing how to add a pop up element to an altered book page. Click here to watch her video. It is something I have been interested in trying. Here is a short video of my first attempt at creating a pop up element in my repurposed book art journal.
By the way, I did find some good
videos on simple, single page bookbinding. First I need to prep all the
materials before making the journal.
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Here are this week's lunch time collages. I must admit it's been a challenging work week and it has shown in my art. I struggled to come up with collage ideas. When I finally did, I struggled to execute. I pushed through it and looking forward to recharging this weekend.
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This week's lunch time collages. I'm really getting into the groove of making these collages on my lunch break when I'm working from home.
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