
Thursday, March 24, 2016

Rolodex Project - Day 24

Day 24 of my Rolodex Project. You can read about this project here.

Today's 3" x 5" artwork was made with cotton fabric dyed with coffee and a piece of palm tree bark coated with gel medium. It's hand stitched with Valdani Pearl Cotton #10 Lemon.

Another primitive and raw looking piece similar to Day 23. I've been saving pieces of palm tree bark that I pick up on my morning walks. I want to develop a project or series that incorporates them but I'm not sure how to go about it. This piece is a sample on how hand stitching looks. I realize that the stitch pattern has to be thought out beforehand. Once you pierce the bark, a hole is left that is hard to mend unlike fabric

Thanks for stopping by!

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