
Saturday, December 19, 2020

Final collages in Black & White (7inchx8.5inch) art journal

I completed all the pages in my larger (7"x8.5") single sheet art journal. The original post where I talked more about this new journal is here.Here are the finished collages:

This collage was lacking something to make it feel finished so I added a light wash of white paint to the ground stripes. This step helped to make the collage stand out from the ground to become the focal point.


 I'm happy with the way both turned out.



Time to make a new journal! 

Thanks for checking out my blog!

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Gene Brown's t-shirt designs

It seems like I will be working mostly from home for awhile longer, I decided to purchase new t-shirts to wear at home since my current stash are beginning to show a lot of wear. My dear friend, Gene Brown, designs amazingly, creative t-shirts. These three are the latest ones that I purchased. If you're interested in buying new t-shirts or seeing the other merchandise he designs, please check out his website at Thank you!