
Thursday, June 20, 2013

Southwest School of Art Sponsored Exhibits

In addition to the galleries we visited on June 6th, there were other amazing exhibits during the SDA Conference. On my last day in San Antonio, I had time to visit the Southwest School of Art sponsored exhibits featuring Michael James "Organizing Nature" and Naomi Wanjiku Gakunga "A Tradition of Strings".

Michael James exhibit references natural forms using digital techniques such as Photoshop and large fabric printer. He was one of the key speakers at the conference. It was interesting to see how his quilts evolved.

Michael James "Organizing Nature" exhibit

In the adjoining gallery was Naomi's exhibit. Her artwork merges African artistic traditions with contemporary concepts. I really felt a connection with Naomi's artwork. I'm so glad I was able to view the exhibit in person.

Naomi Wanjiku Gakunga
"A Tradition of Strings" exhibit

Naomi Wanjiku Gakunga
"A Tradition of Strings" exhibit

Naomi Wanjiku Gakunga
"A Tradition of Strings" exhibit


  1. Oh, gosh! I'll bet you enjoyed these exhibits to the fullest. Your art definitely has much in common with them. These works were exhilarating. I know that taking the time to edit down all the pictures you took at the conference has to be very labor intensive and keeps you from creating your own works, but, as a devote of your art, I really appreciate taking this virtual tour with you.

    1. I'm so happy that you enjoyed viewing all my posts. It has been labor intensive but worth it. This conference really fed my creative soul.xoxo Mia

  2. Thank you for the great photography. I really appreciate that you came to my exhibition, and shared your experiences through your blog. I wish you all the best in your creative journey; and I know our paths will cross again and again.
    Naomi Wanjiku

    1. Hi Naomi-Thank you for commenting. Your exhibit was one of the highlight of the conference for me. So inspiring! I wish you all the best in your creative journey, too. I hope to meet you in the near future. Best, Mia
