
Saturday, November 30, 2019

New artwork in Camo and Doodle Art Journals

I mentioned on this post here that I'm working in multiple art journals at one time.

Here is the latest completed pages from each journal:

Camo Art Journal

Camo Art Journal

Camo Art Journal

Camo Art Journal

Doodle Art Journal

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Saturday, November 23, 2019

New artwork in Camo and Doodle Art Journals

I mentioned on this post here that I'm working in multiple art journals at one time. The Camo art journal, on the left side, was initially used to offload paint from my brush, test out pens & markers and to jot notes on the pages. It's completely filled so I decided to go back into this journal and adding more details to each page. 

The art journal on the right is my Doodle art journal. Lately, I have been posting images of the artwork in each on Instagram. Here is the latest completed pages from each journal:

Camo Art Journal

Camo Art Journal

Doodle Art Journal

Doodle Art Journal

 Thanks for checking out my blog!

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Doodle Art Journal - New Artwork

New doodles created in my Doodle Art Journal. I first posted about my Doodle Journal here.   

These two artworks were created after taking a short break from social media. I needed time to regroup from the constant noise. The smaller artwork was created in my Camo art journal. I liked the design so I decided to create a similar one in my Doodle art journal.

I wasn't planning on using this art journal as a writing journal. I had some thoughts I wanted to write down so I just grabbed the journal that was closest to me. In keeping with the theme of this journal and to keep my thoughts private, I doodled on top.

My dear friend, Linda Friedman, passed away recently. I'm honoring her with this artwork. I wrote 3 happy memories then doodled happy flowers on top.

This doodle was heavily influenced by graphic designer, S. Neil Fujita (1921-2010). The night I created this doodle, I have watched "Masters of Modern Design" (season10, episode 1) of Artbound on PBS. J. Neil Fujita was one of the artist featured on this episode. Short description of this episode provided by Artbound:

Japanese American influence in postwar American art and design is unparralled.

Thanks for checking out my blog!

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Doodle Journal - First Signature Flip Through Video

A short flip through video of the first completed video in my Doodle Journal. I'm planning to post more videos as I complete the other signatures. To learn more about this art journal, please click here.

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