
Sunday, June 23, 2024

collages #16 - 22 | a collage a day June 2024

In this week's video, I show the process of creating the daily collages for June 16 - 22. There are some hits and some misses but I enjoyed the process of creating each one. Thanks for watching!

Sunday, June 16, 2024

collages #9 - 15 | a collage a day June 2024

In this week's video, I show the process of creating the daily collages for June 9 - 15. I'm starting to discovery a few design styles that I want to explore further. Thanks for watching!

Music: "Big Ideas" Written & Arranged by Gene Brown Copyright 02/2022 Special permission of use granted to Mia Bloom Designs by the artist

Sunday, June 9, 2024

collages #2 - 8 | a collage a day June 2024

In this week's video, I show the process of creating the daily collages for June 2 - 8. This is my "warm up week." I compare it to loosening your hand with sketching or stretching before exercising. Thanks for watching!

Saturday, June 1, 2024

One collage a day June 2024 | intro and collage #1

I’m doing something this month (June 2024). I’m planning on creating one collage a day and filming the process. This is the first video in this series where I talk about why I’m doing this project while creating the first collage. The next video will be live on Sunday, June 9th showing the process of creating day 2-8 collages. Thanks for watching!