
Sunday, October 7, 2012

Breast Pocket #2

I made another Breast Pocket to send to Melanie Testa. It's in honor of my mom's friend, Diane. They volunteer together at their local library's used book store.
Breast Pocket for Diane

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Breast Pockets

Recently, a incredible artist, Melanie Testa, posted about a call for breast pockets on her blog. Check out the post here. She is a breast cancer survivor and a proud flattie. Her goal is to collect 1,000 pockets. I jumped at the chance to participate. I hope that you will join in, too!

The breast pocket I made is for my mom, Sally, who is a 10 year breast cancer survivor. She is 85 years old and going strong. When I told her of this project, she requested her pocket to be red and glittery. I sewed red sequins on top of the pink pocket.

Breast Pocket for my mom, Sally.